Committees & Regions and Caucuses
In addition to our Board of Directors, we have committees, advisories, regions, caucuses, and working groups that serve the priorities of the membership and the mission of PACT.
Committees & Advisories
Each committee is chaired by a member of the PACT Board of Directors and meets at different times throughout the year. Committees are comprised of:
- member of the Board of Directors
- staff at PACT member companies
- PACT Staff
- theatre professionals who work at companies who are not members of PACT
- independent artists
Each committee and advisory addresses major issues facing the PACT membership as well as Canadian theatre as a whole and strives to create a better environment in which theatre can be created.
Regions & Caucuses
Regions are comprised of companies and individuals who reside in the same geographical region.
Caucuses are comprised of companies and individuals who have similar mandates or areas of practice.
All regions & caucuses are supported by PACT staff.
If you are interested in joining a committee or caucus and want to learn more please contact PACT's Membership & Communications Team.
Portfolio Director: Nick Tracey, Senior Director of Administration, Young People’s Theatre (Toronto, ON)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Ainslee Jessiman, Membership & Communications Manager,
The Advocacy Committee addresses issues such as government relations and public awareness of the value of the performing arts. The committee discusses advocacy issues relating to PACT’s strategic and operating plans, shares information with the membership and empowers the membership regarding advocacy issues.
Environmental Stewardship
Portfolio Director: Laura Caswell, Artistic Director, Stephenville Theatre Festival (Stephenville, NL)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Panthea Vatandoost, Program Associate,
The Environmental Stewardship Committee researches, identifies and promotes the adoption of best practices around Environmental Stewardship for PACT’s operations and the theatre sector at large, to facilitate activation of the sector’s unique responsibility to respond artistically to the urgency of the climate crisis, and to promote the sector’s profound ability to inspire societal change.
Portfolio Director: Kathryn Westoll, Executive Director, Geordie Theatre (Montreal, QC)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Brad Lepp, Executive Director,
The Executive Committee responds to immediate issues facing the organization and its membership and supports the Executive Director. The committee ensures that the management of PACT adheres to the current strategic and operating plans and provides advice and support to the Executive Director.
Portfolio Director: Evan Klassen, Executive Director, Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre (Winnipeg, MB)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Brad Lepp, Executive Director,
The Finance Committee oversees financial issues relating to PACT. The committee keeps the Board of Directors informed on the organization’s financial status, reviews annual forecasts, budgets and audits, ensures that the organization’s finances are prudent and in keeping with the board’s plans, and acts as a resource to the Executive Director.
Portfolio Director: Nina Lee Aquino, Artistic Director, National Arts Centre - English Theatre (Ottawa, ON) & Mike Payette, Artistic Director, Tarragon Theatre (Toronto, ON)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Brad Lepp, Executive Director,
The Governance Committee addresses issues relating to succession planning, board recruitment and policy and acts as the nominating committee for the Board of Directors. The committee maintains the PACT Bylaws, ensures compliance with legal requirements and helps new Board members settle into their role.
Health & Safety
Portfolio Director: Pragna Desai, Director, Community Engagement & Outreach, Shaw Festival (Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Alison Peddie, Labour Relations Manager,
The Health & Safety Committee aims to increase PACT and member understanding of Health & Safety and the sharing of best practices in different regions.
Human Resources
Portfolio Director: Danny Everson, Executive Director, Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia (Windsor, NS)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Alison Peddie, Labour Relations Manager,
The Human Resources Committee works to increase PACT Members understanding of Human Resources with learning sessions, shared Member resources and of best practices for the different regions.
International Relations
Portfolio Director: Kevin Matthew Wong, Director of Producing and Artistic Associate, Why Not Theatre (Toronto, ON)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Patricia Cerra, Program Manager,
The International Relations Committee aims to increase PACT and Canadian theatres’ engagement and exchange within the international theatre community.
Labour Relations
Portfolio Director: Lisa Li, Executive Director, Tarragon Theatre (Toronto, ON)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Alison Peddie, Labour Relations Manager,
The Labour Relations Committee provides support, leadership and input on labour relations issues in Canadian Theatre. The committee discusses, strategizes and interprets labour agreements and issues as necessary, assists staff in recruiting negotiating teams and recommends policies to the Board and membership.
Membership & Engagement
Portfolio Director: Pat Rundell, Executive & Artistic Director, Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People (Victoria, BC)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Ainslee Jessiman, Membership & Communications Manager,
The Membership & Engagement Committee addresses issues such as recruitment, assessment of applications, dues increases, member retention activities, volunteer recognition, and from time to time to recommend Honorary Life Membership designation and serve as an advisory for the Mallory Gilbert Leadership Award.
Caucus Advisory
Portfolio Director: Alex Currie, Director of Artistic Operations, Theatre Calgary (Calgary, AB)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Panthea Vatandoost, Program Associate,
The Caucus Advisory is comprised of groups of companies that have similar mandates or areas of practice. They are:
- Affiliates and Non-members, provides a dedicated space to address the unique challenges of non-signatory organizations. Together, caucus members advocate for the issues that matter most to them, share resources, foster conversations and aim to ensure that no one falls through the cracks.
- Category ‘A’ Theatres, made up of companies with large houses and high budgets whose CTA company category calculation is in Category ‘A’ for at least some of their productions.
- Creator-Centric Companies, which are mainly project-based companies whose artistic leaders are the primary creators of the company's work.
- Indigenous, a gathering place for Indigenous companies, artists, and artsworkers.
- New Work Architects, made up of companies who put artists and art at the centre of their activities, and spend most of their time developing, producing, and potentially touring new Canadian theatre.
- Regional Theatres, comprised of theatres that are often the largest or most established company in their area, and have the dual obligation of bringing work and artists from the national or world stage to their region while also celebrating work and artists from their own region.
- Rural Theatres, made up of companies that operate outside of a major city centre and work closely with rural communities.
- Summer Theatres, which operate primarily in the summer months and often perform outdoors.
- Theatre For Young Audiences (TYA), made up of companies that either have theatre for young audiences as a core mandate or are primarily focused on engaging youth through theatre. Some theatres that have a young company or programs aimed at engaging youth also participate in this caucus.
The Advisory exists to ensure each caucus’ concerns are represented at the board level and to make recommendations on issues that might benefit the membership. The Caucus representatives ensure their caucus meets regularly and acts as a conduit of information both from the caucus to the Board and vice versa.
Regional Advisory
Portfolio Director: Marnie Hamagami, General Manager, Theatre NorthWest (Prince George, BC)
PACT Staff Assigned to Portfolio: Panthea Vatandoost, Program Associate,
The Regional Advisory ensures regional issues are communicated to and addressed through the work of PACT. They are:
- Region 1 – British Columbia
- Region 2 – Alberta & the Territories
- Region 3 – Saskatchewan & Manitoba
- Region 4 – Ontario (outside Toronto)
- Region 5 – Toronto
- Region 6 – Quebec
- Region 7 – New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
- Region 8 – Newfoundland & Labrador
The Regional Advisory exists to ensure each region’s concerns are represented at the board level and to make recommendations on issues that might benefit the membership. The Region representatives ensure their region meets regularly and acts as a conduit of information both from the regions to the Board and vice versa.
Working Groups
In addition to each committee PACT creates ad-hoc groups from time to time that deal with relevant issues. These groups tend to have specific focuses and defined timelines and usually dissolve once the work of the group is complete. Past working groups have centred on issues of advocacy, labour, diversity and PACT’s international presence.
Accessibility Working Group is helping to identify and develop it's multi-year priorities alongside conversations with membership. PACT has invited members to come together to dialogue around the topic of identifying PACT's priorities and organizational goals with regards to supporting the advancement of accessibility in the theatre sector. The working group supports the advancement of this sectoral work.
Working Group: David Connolly, Chris Dodd, Ali Hand, Mandy E. Maclean, Adam Grant Warren & Laura Caswell.
PACT Staff Assigned to Working Group: Brad Lepp, Executive Director, and Patricia Cerra, Program Manager,