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World Theatre Day

Launched in 1962, World Theatre Day is recognized annually on March 27th, as an opportunity for theatre professionals, organizations, and audiences to celebrate the value, importance, and contribution of theatre to our society. It has also become a national rallying cry to policy-makers and stakeholders as to the importance of supporting this sector.

This March PACT in partnership with L’Association des Théâtres Francophones du Canada (ATFC) and the International Association of Theatres for Children and Young People Canada (ASSITEJ Canada) are encouraging theatres and Canadians to ban together and share it's civic impact. 

How to get involved

We encourage all theatre artists, administrators, organizations, and audiences and supporters to get involved and celebrate their local theatre companies' impact. Below are resources to help you get involved!

Share your impact

Click here to view resources including media release and social media templates to help spread the word. Don't forget to tag PACT in your social media posts! 

Explore a theatre near you & #GoSeeAShow

*Note performance venues may be different than addresses listed


Meet the World Theatre Day Ambassadors

Each year a celebrated theatre artist or supporter is selected to the World Theatre Day Canada Ambassador, and they are invited to deliver a personal message to the community. Meet the 2025 Amabassadors. 

The 2025 World Theatre Canada Ambassador is Senator René Cormier. Check back on March 27 to view/read his message!

Since his appointment to the Senate of Canada, the Honourable René Cormier is committed to defending and promoting arts and culture, language rights, and human rights. He currently chairs the Standing Senate Committee on Official Languages and is a member of the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology.

Senator Cormier also serves as Vice-Chair of the Canada-Africa and Canada-France Interparliamentary Associations and acts as Second Vice-President for North America on the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas. The Honourable René Cormier is a founding member of the Acadian Association of Canadian Parliamentarians (AACP), a friendship group dedicated to strengthening and increasing the political influence of the Acadian people within the Canadian federation. He also cochairs the Canadian Pride Caucus, of which he is a founding member. This caucus is composed of Canadian senators and members of parliament from various groups and political parties.

Prior to his appointment to the Upper Chamber, in addition to his career as an artist and cultural manager, Senator Cormier served as president of numerous national and international organizations including la Commission internationale du théâtre francophone (CITF), la Société Nationale de l'Acadie (SNA), la Fédération culturelle canadienne-française (FCCF), l’Association des théâtres francophones du Canada (ATFC), and the New Brunswick Arts Board.

Recipient of numerous recognitions, Senator Cormier has notably been awarded an honorary Doctorate in Arts and Culture from the Université de Moncton, l’Ordre des francophones d’Amérique, and was named a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters of France.

Impact of Theatre in Canada

Past Canadian World Theatre Day Ambassadors